On Thursday, 4th April 2024, the Director – Global Quality Assurance Association (GQAA), Dr Violet Makuku ended her outreach programme by passing through the Dominion Christian Academy (DCA), Accra, Ghana. She met the energetic, passionate and humble but knowledgeable lady by the name Dhalia. She holds a number of key and vital portifolios of the Academy which include but are not limited to i) Administrator, ii) Director of Admissions and the iii) Coordinator of Experiential Learning, among other responsibilities.
At the centre of their discussion were quality issues and building the quality culture for transformation, capacity building for continuous improvement, the learner-centred approach and many more. At the centre of the discussion was the focus on contributing towards SDG4: Quality Education. This is the education that leads to real socio-economic development and transformation. Experiential learning (learner-centred) which is at the heart of Dominion Christian Academy’s curricula implementation leads to deep learning & understanding of concepts as well as full acquisition of knowledge, hard skills and soft skills. Experiential learning is the springboard & foundation of an employable graduate & a graduate who is capable of starting his/her own business. This is through the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills that come with mindset change, from all learners thinking of looking for jobs to some pursuing the creation of their own businesses and create employment for others.
The Global Quality Assurance Association is always prepared and ready to work with any institution/organization/companies in the a) extraction, b) manufacturing and c) service industries. This could be in the areas of i) capacity building ii) audits and reviews iii) assessments, designing of quality assurance tools, monitoring & evaluation, etc. #qualityandproductiverelationships #SDG17partnershipsforthegoals #buildingbridgesbreakingsilos #qualityassurancecapacitybuilding #interactionandnetworkingforsuccess Contact detail: info@gqaa.org; director@gqaa.org; WhatsApp +233 263 129 798; +233 270 239 438
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