Do you know how best your quality management system (QMS) can be improved?
This is one of the shortest polls I, Dr Violet Makuku did mid-January 2023 and the results are interesting. The questions I am raising have nothing much to do with the numbers of people who responded but mostly to their responses. It is heart-warming to learn that a lot of the respondents (71%) know how best their workplace quality management system can be fixed. However, it is one thing to know how to fix the QMS and it is another to advise the superiors or to take a bold step and take up the task. I would have wanted to find out if they had room to advise and/or be allowed to be part of the solution or even if they knew, there was simply no room to help in the improvement of the QMS. One would also want to know, why they would not be in a position to be part of the solution.
On the other hand, those who said they did not know and those who said, “No” make up a total of 28% combined (14% of each). In this case, it would be very good to know why they don’t know how they can improve their QMS. Can we think of the possible scenarios from the results above and why the respondents might or might not take certain action to improve their workplace QMS. Let us discuss and make inputs on this blog.
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